Dog walking in New York, foster care, pet sitter, pet supplies delivery, care for dogs and other animals
I want to become a dog walker
walk my dog
Welcome to the community of people who walk dogs in order to make the world of dogs and people a better, kinder place.
We are here, each individually and together, showing by example:
Dog Planet’s goal is simple: walk the dogs you love while maintaining the highest degree of reliability and trust, and share knowledge and do good. We donate a portion of the proceeds from each walk to shelter dogs in need.
how to communicate with animals correctly,
We show a clear example that dialogue works better than carrots and sticks
how to add more mutual understanding
We apply these rules in communication between people, by the way, too!
Fill out information about your dog in the form
Read the terms of the agreement
We select a dog walker for you and receive payment from you
We are already on our way to give your pet attention, care and fun walks
I want to become a dog walker
walk my dog
Any breed
Having a dog is a big responsibility. But now caring for a dog has become very simple. With our club, every dog ​​will walk on time and will not suffer. And it doesn’t matter to us whether your dog is small or large, adult or puppy, purebred or ordinary noble.
Any number of hours
Down with short walks! We are always full of strength, energy, health, and bad weather does not exist. As they say, there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes. And with us it is always correct. And that’s why we can arrange a holiday for your dog and walk all day long in any weather :) And we can also act as a pet sitter for your dog, cat, parrot and other animals in case you leave :)
Any area of ​​the city
We select dog walkers who live as close to your home as possible. This eliminates delays, and if you need to change the walking time, the dog walker will not have to waste time on travel, and he will be able to get to you much faster. But even if you live outside the city or far from the metro and a person comes to you from the other end of the city, we will still select a dog walker who will come to the dog. If you live far from the city, you need to pay an additional.
Only reliable dog walkers
For a long time now I have always been surrounded by dogs. I have never thought about how someone else would walk my dog. But we all find ourselves in different situations. Different people have approached me: young mothers, business people who often go on business trips, a guy who broke his leg and arm at the same time, and there have been so many cases. Every time I imagine myself in these people’s place. And I understand that sending your dog for a walk with a stranger is very scary. Therefore, when creating a dog walking club, the main condition was to find reliable people. Only those whom I trust as myself. Those who are confident in themselves, know how to behave in unexpected situations, have experience communicating with dogs of different breeds, those to whom I would trust my own dog! These are people who enjoy walking dogs. They have no problem going for a walk even in the most disgusting weather.
We donate part of the funds to the shelter
I want every dog ​​to have a home, every dog ​​to be happy, every owner to give joy to their dog. We are their meaning of life. I want every homeless dog to find a home and find this meaning of life. We transfer part of the funds from membership fees to shelters for homeless dogs, we come to walk them, we buy pet supplies.
GPS tracking of walks
What if my dog ​​is standing around the corner of the house, talking to a friend and not walking? Yes, yes, this thought comes to mind for any owner when they need to give their treasure for a walk to a stranger. We solved this issue very simply: you agree on a walking route with the dog walker, and when he comes to pick up the dog, he turns on a mobile application that records the walking route, its duration, and mileage. At the end of the walk, the dog walker returns the dog to you and turns off GPS tracking, and you automatically receive a report by e-mail in which you see the entire route recorded by the device. This way, you will always know at what time and in what place your dog is.
More than
happy dogs
Passed more
We unite those in whose hearts there lives a constant need for communication with animals, walks in the fresh air in the company of four-legged friends and a desire to change the world of dogs and people for the better.
Together we are building a world in which people know, feel, and raise dogs without strictness, jerks, or punishments, but through friendship and dialogue.
It is with dog walkers that our chain of kindness and attentive attitude towards animals begins, when dog owners can always be sure that only such a person will come to them, to whom you will gladly entrust your furry friend.
Experience with dogs: since birth. Among them: Pekingese, German Shepherd, Husky, hunting. I love dogs, so loyal, playful, happy and give joy) I am responsible.
Experience with dogs: ten years. Among them are the following breeds: Alabai, Doberman, Husky, Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Chihuahua, Husky, Golden Retriever, Bull Terrier, Dogue de Bordeaux, Cane Corso, East European Shepherd, Shiba Inu, Pug, Akita Inu, Bichon. Extensive experience in communicating and walking large and medium breeds of dogs. Helped at exhibitions, training. Raised Alabai, walked Dobermans, Alabai, Corgi, Retrievers. I do not accept cruel methods of education. I love dogs very much, but I cannot have them in my current home.
Experience with dogs: twenty years. Among them: Corgi, Spitz, Yorkshire Terrier, Husky, Shiba Inu, Akita Inu, Chihuahua, Labrador Retriever. Hello! I am a university student and looking for a part-time job. I also love dogs, but I do not have the opportunity to get my own. I dream of taking a dog from a shelter so that it can find a home. I think that this job is an ideal opportunity to combine business with pleasure!
Experience with dogs: seven years. Among them: Doberman, mongrels, toy terrier, Yorkshire terrier. I sincerely love animals sometimes more than people. I often help them and even worked for some time in a shelter for homeless animals. Sometimes they behave more noble, kinder than some people. Time spent with your pet on a walk is priceless and its safety should be in the first place. Therefore, I will approach the duties assigned to me with all responsibility. For me, a dog is not just an animal. And I do not understand those people who treat their pets badly. They are no worse than people, just different.
Experience with dogs: all my life. Among them: boxer, rottweiler, basenji, german shepherd. I have been "friends" with animals since childhood: cats, dogs. As far as I can remember, they have always lived with us. I love visiting my "dog" friends. I dream of my own dog, necessarily big and active, but living in a rented apartment does not allow it yet.
Experience with dogs: eighteen years. Among them: Golden Retriever, Beagles, Labradors, Russian Borzois, Samoyed Laikas, Cane Corso, Jack Russell Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, Giant Schnauzers, Airedale Terriers, Toys, Chihuahuas, Yorkies, Spaniels, Italian Greyhounds. I have my own dog: Golden Retriever. Hello, my name is Yana, I am the owner of the kindest and best-mannered Golden Retriever girl Emma (three years old). I train her myself. I have extensive experience with dogs of different breeds, it is important to know these features so that walking and communicating with the animal brings pleasure to both of us. I understand how scary it is to trust your friend to a stranger — after meeting me, your fears will disappear!
Is it possible to increase the walking time? And wash the paws?
You can choose any number of minutes. So far our record is four hours or two hundred and forty minutes.
Is urgent walking possible and how soon can I expect a dog walker after payment?
Your order will be processed within one working day. But we do our best to work faster, and in practice we contact you much faster. Therefore, when you order an urgent walk, the waiting time for the dog walker is reduced to just a few hours. But before you pay for an urgent walk, be sure to call us. This will speed up the processing. An increase in the membership fee is provided for urgency.
Do you walk aggressive dogs?
We walk them if they do not pose a threat to the dog walker. As a rule, it is enough for the dog to wear a muzzle and not take it off during the walk. When walking aggressive dogs, dog walkers are extremely careful to monitor cats, dogs, children, adults, any moving objects so that your dog never scares anyone.
How does your GPS tracking work?
Each dog walker has a mobile application that he launches before the walk. The map shows the entire route of the walk, a timer with time, and mileage. Thus, you can control every step of your dog and be sure that the dog walker follows the walking route that you have assigned.
Will my dog ​​be walked by the same dog walker?
Usually the same dog walker always comes for long walks. But sometimes dog walkers are sick or cannot come due to family circumstances. We always warn you if your dog walker will be replaced by another.
How about walking multiple dogs together?
We usually offer individual walks — one on one with your dog, so that all attention is focused only on your pet. But if you have several dogs or you want to combine walks with your friends or socialize your dog and introduce him to other animals, teach him to communicate with each other and play, then we will be happy to walk them together. In this case, you need to contact us to clarify the details of the walk and the desired number of dogs.
I’m leaving for two weeks. Feeding, washing paws during the time of departure. Is it possible?
Yes, of course it is possible. At your request, we can send photos before, during and after the walk, as well as during paw washing and feeding. Of course, we will also send screenshots from GPS tracking. This way you will be calm even thousands of kilometers away from home. Remember, we love your dog as much as you do!
How do I get a refund for unused walks?
You can choose any number of minutes. So far our record is four hours or two hundred and forty minutes.
Write your phone numder, we will call you back and tell you everything
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